Is CBD Hemp Oil legal?

Yes – Unlike Medical Marijuana you do not require a special permit to buy CBD in the United States and several countries. Every CBD product we offer is produced with product derived from Industrial Hemp grown in strict compliance with Sec. 7606 of the Farm Bill. Our partners formulate our products as a dietary supplement and ship to your home anywhere in USA and other approved countries.

Is CBD legal to buy where I live?

CBD hemp oil is legal in many countries. In those locations, you do not require a permit or recommendation from your doctor to buy hemp extracts. It can be purchased online and shipped to your home, anywhere in the U.S. and the following countries:


Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guam, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Northern Ireland, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, U.S. Virgin Islands, Uruguay.

What is CBD?

CBD is an acronym for CANNABIDIOL, which is one of the major cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of about 80 known phytocannabinoids known to exist within the cannabis plant (can also be found in the hemp plant). These different phytocannabinoids are known to exist in different levels in different cultivars of cannabis. Most of the cannabinoids don’t exist in large enough concentrations to have any e!ect, but CBD concentrations can be as high as 40% in CBD-rich cultivars of industrial hemp such as ours.


Is CBD safe?

Yes but you should always look at anything you put in or on your body with care. Everyone is different and with billions of people in the world and only millions using CBD there is always a variance in study.

Will CBD oil help me with my illness?

All of our CBD products are marketed to be consumed as a health dietary supplement. Our products are sold as a dietary supplement and we make no claims as to remediation of any illness or medical condition.

Should I consult my doctor before taking CBD?

Whenever you have a question about your health, consult a trusted and knowledgeable physician who knows and understands your conditions. By no means should you trust 100% what you read on the Internet or a blog…or even what a friend says unless they are qualified to do so.

What is the endocannabinoid system?

Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. In each tissue, the cannabinoid system performs different tasks, but the goal is always the same: homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment. Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring substances that activate the same receptor sites as phytocannabinoids from the cannabis plant.

Endocannabinoid receptors are promoted to regulate many bodily functions including:


  • Appetite
  • Digestion
  • Immune function
  • Memory
  • Mood
  • Motor control
  • Pain
  • Pleasure and reward
  • Reproduction and fertility
  • Sleep
  • Temperature regulation


* This may not be an all-inclusive list. More and more research is being done to uncover even more benefits of CBD. Also everyone is different and like any other supplement, CBD and its benefits as well effects vary by the person.

What are the effects of CBD?

The effects of CBD will vary from person to person. It will depend on the amount taken, the method of application and the condition that they are trying to alleviate.

What are the side effects of taking CBD products?

CBD side effects are almost negligible. They are certainly nowhere near the often scary side-effects lists that are seen in many FDA approved pharmaceutical products! Perhaps a little stomach discomfort for those on high doses and some very low-level sedative effects. In a similar way that using a drop of Lavender oil on your skin might relax you. CBD produces no psychoactive effect so there is no ‘high’ or particular concern about your ability to function normally.

Will I, or can I, get “high” from CBD?

No, you will not get high from consuming any of the products we carry. This is why we screen every partner so you do not have to worry. All of our products are made entirely and only from industrial hemp, and NONE contain the psychoactive properties of THC. Additionally, cannabidiol actually has the property of being anti-psychoactive.

Is CBD medical marijuana?

No – Though the Industrial Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) used to produce CBD is a relative of Marijuana (Cannabis Indica), it does not contain the psychoactive properties of THC (as Marijuana does).

The industrial hemp used to produce any CBD product we carry is a variety of cannabis that does not contain the psychoactive properties of THC. Industrial hemp is essentially a cousin of marijuana and (for most people) a more practical source of cannabinoids.

Do you use CBD?

Everyday! Everyone on our staff, our friends, associates and obviously our customers use CBD and love it, swear by it and are actually amazed at the benefits they are realizing.

Should I give CBD to my child?

No one under the age of 18 can buy CBD (21 years of age in certain countries if at all). Whether or not your child could or should use CBD is a question best answered by a qualified and knowledgeable medical professional.

You have so many products! Which one or type should I use?

We do carry several vendors, types, flavors and delivery methods. You need to try and find the one(s) that work for you. Some people find benefits from the tinctures for pain but some like the ease of a capsule or the taste of the edibles. Really it is your preference and you need to try different ones to see which you prefer.

Why do you carry other supplier’s products and what is the difference?

Everyone has a different idea and approach on how to deliver CBD to the body. Some like how theirs taste better than others, the molecular structure or even the size of the concentration. That is why we carry so many because what works or is convenient for some is not so for others. At Natures Health and Body we use all of the products and that is why we carry them. Elixinol, Blue Moon Hemp, Restorative Botanicals, our Natures CannaCare line or any others we have are the best of the best. We love them all and that is why we carry them. It is not a competition to see who is better in marketing or who has a better tasting or larger bottle, it is solely about being able to provide a line of products that are the best for what they do and the customer.

Which products or types do you like?

All of them and that is the truth. We only carry products that we like and that our customers like and use. We have great direct relationships with all of our vendors and want them to be successful. If we can help them help you that is our sole goal.

What should be my dosage?

The CBD dosage will vary for each person depending on their needs and the conditions they are trying to alleviate. For some applications only a small CBD dose is required to achieve optimal results; in other cases, a higher dosage will be required.

Can I overdose on CBD?

No – CBD in high dosages may incur mood or anxiety swings but it will not be lethal.

Do any of your products offered contain THC?

No – Most of our products are a full-spectrum hemp extract from specially hybridized industrial hemp plants, which contain only trace amounts of THC. These amounts are so small there is no psychoactive effect and they are unlikely to register on a drug test if taken at respectable doses.

Will I test positive for Cannabis if I use CBD Hemp oil?

The answer to the question of whether you will test positive if you use a high-quality, low THC CBD hemp oil is, “NO, Not unless you use way too much of it”. If you are in a profession that tests or screens, then we recommend full disclosure with the employer and in some cases, we do not recommend you use CBD since there is a chance to produce a “false positive” which just complicates things for some people. This is not a problem with CBD, this is a problem with either your CBD supplier being low-grade or using “hot” sourced hemp product (meaning they contain THC at more than or can exceed under modest doses, a legal level of .3%) or the test itself is faulty. We can tell you that every supplier we use and screen, is ZERO percent (0%) THC. Key thing to always remember; know your supplier. Whether it is us or one of our partners, always know your supplier.

Do any of your products use hemp imported from China?

All products we carry or produce ourselves originate from hemp that is organically grown and processed in either North America (namely Colorado and Kentucky) or Northern Europe (certain Elixinol products). There is no hemp in any of our or our partner’s products that comes from China…and we guarantee that.

Should I give CBD to my pets?

Although THC is not good for any animal as it is psychoactive; CBD has shown to be beneficial to animals since they also have endocannabinoid systems. The CBD animal treats and supplements have been formulated to ensure they only contain products good for animals (dogs, cats, even farm animals).

What is a tincture?

A “Tincture” is substance is suspended or dissolved in another liquid. Usually alcohol but many volatile oils are also used. Generally alcohol is used to make CBD Tinctures in order to reduce viscosity. Viscosity reduction helps absorption of CBD into the body. It also allows a more concise dosage as CBD oil is very viscous/thick and hard to portion out into doses.

What is a liposome?

Not to get too scientific. A liposome is where you separate the key molecules of, in this case CBD’s, and encapsulate them in a carrier vessel so that they can pass through the bodies systems. Liposomes help with the absorption rate of whatever they carry since the bodies “filters” trap larger things than what a lipsosome is sized. Basically, hemp oil is large when you think about molecules and as such it takes longer to absorb. The absorption rate of hemp oil is actually not great if you were to drink it and as such, you do not get the benefits you would expect unless you take higher doses. This is why you should take a tincture sublingually and let it absorb under your tongue or cheek instead of just swallowing it. Swallowing tincture gives you roughly a 10% – 15% benefit since it just doesn’t absorb well passing through the stomach, liver..etc. A liposome on the other hand, or in our capsule for example a micro-emulsion, you would see a 60% or better absorption rate (depending on the size of the vessel). A good liposome or micro-emulsion can be easily in the 80%+ absorption range for most people.

How long can CBD products stay good and can I freeze it?

All of our products have a shelf life of 12 months when refrigerated. It can be frozen to extend shelf life up to two years or longer.

How long does it take for CBD to become effective for me?

At the right dosage, it typically takes between 20 and 30 minutes for the CBD effects to be noticeable. As CBD has no psychoactive component, there is no ‘high’. You may experience a reduction in pain, reduced tremor or a sense of calm. It does depend on why you are taking CBD oil and whether you are taking enough to combat the symptoms you have and whether CBD has an effect on you.

How does CBD work on the body?

CBD works in the body by activating receptors in the brain and nervous system – the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It affects different receptors to THC and affects many receptors that are responsible for the regulation of many parts of the body’s systems.

How is hemp different than marijuana?

Unlike marijuana, hemp contains very low levels (- .3 %) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in marijuana responsible for making a person feel high. We go the extra step of removing all of the THC so it is ND/ Triple 0. That is .0001 or Non-Detectable. CBD in no way gives a person a “high” or feeling of euphoria.

Is CBD from industrial hemp as good as CBD from marijuana?

Yes it is! CBD from industrial hemp is just as powerful as CBD from marijuana. Because everyone of our partners’ CBD is hemp-derived, it is available in all 50 states and over 45 countries.

A friend told me I would get diarrhea from CBD

In general, most users do not suffer problems with CBD causing diarrhea. However, in larger doses taken orally, it is possible that CBD could cause loosened stools or diarrhea, but this is not a common side effect of CBD.

Is your Hemp Oil made from organically grown and processed hemp?

There is no certification or designation for organically grown Industrial Hemp; however, the farming methods employed by our partners are Eco Friendly and utilize no insecticides or herbicides. All of the product additives are plant based and organic, Non-GMO when available. Additionally, many of our products offered are considered raw, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, soy free, nut free, and free of artificial coloring and flavoring.

My credit card was declined? Is there something going on?

No. We use the best merchant gateway services in the industry. Unfortunately sometimes banks being banks and banks dealing with online retailers of CBD can be problematic. Although not seen often, legitimate cards get declined. If this happens to you, sometimes contacting your bank or card issuer can get the transaction approved. If that fails, we can take checks or electronic transfers. Do not get frustrated, call us!

How do I partner with Natures Health and Body and get products on the platform?

We welcome meeting new partners. We do have a fairly comprehensive set of requirements that range from how a product is produced, ingredients, sources and methods of production to name a few before a partner is brought onboard. Compliance is key to the success of the industry as is testing for purity and safety. Contact our Partner Evaluation and Compliance department with any questions first at the email below:


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